Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ami Simms Alzheimers Art Quilt Initiative Priority Quilts

Ami Simms is a well known quilter whose mom had Alzheimers. Ami decided to do something about it, and the Alzheimers Art Quilt Initiative was born. Quilters everywhere are helping the effort by constructing small quilts (fit into a Priority mailer) that Ami sells by auction on her website, or that serve as your "receipt" when you make a suitable donation to the AAQI at any the quilt shows Ami attends.
I am so thrilled that the three little quilts I sent were among those taken to the show in Houston, and that they were deemed worthy of $50, $50 and $65, by those willing to make a donation to the cause.

You can read more about Ami and her project here: Alzheimers Art Quilt Initiative

1 comment:

Ami Simms said...

Thank YOU for making these wonderful Priority: Alzheimer's Quilts and for directing your readers to the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative web page to learn more about our project.

Ami Simms
Founder & Executive Director (AAQI)