Saturday, December 5, 2009

Experiment day

When we lived in Korea, we often went to a certain restaurant near our home. It was situated on the slope of a hill, and consisted of multiple little houses, all decorated in the traditional Korean style, with the traditional heated floors. The kids love it - they would bring their blankies and snuggle on the warm floor. The parents loved it too, both for the food and for the fact that the kids would fall asleep, snuggled on the warm floor!

One of the menu items was Pindaetok, a pancake made of mung bean powder, topped with green onions, beef, kimchi, bean sprouts, and whatever other ingredients of the day. They were delicious, and we always ate too much of this appetizer to fully do justice to the wonderful Korean bbq that followed.

So today we are going to try and make Pindaetok, or Bindae Dok with spicy soy dipping sauce. Report to follow.

P.S. Being a transplant to the south, I never thought I would like grits, until I tried garlic shrimp grits. Today I am adding the best cheese grits I have ever eaten to the list of Grits Likes. If I can persuade the maker to share the recipe, you can try it too.

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