Saturday, September 12, 2009

Easy Cheesy - not!

Being all inspired by the Kroger cheese lady telling me they now make their own fresh mozarella, I think "well, if they can do it, so can I." I've made soft fresh cheese before - my feta was pretty good and labneh really is easy cheesy. But, the first attempt at mozzarella turned out to be a "no, I can't." The result would be suitable for the inside of golfballs. I guess I'll have to try again when I feel motivated.

A more successful culinary venture is some chicken salad I concocted at the last minute. We had 2 leftover cooked breasts, which I diced. Added some diced celery, onion, dried apricots, a bit of salt and some freshly ground black pepper, plus about 1/3 cup HLM. (Hellmans Lowfat Mayo - the best mayo on the market in the reduced calorie department) Mixed it all up and let it sit in the fridge till dinner time. Served it with my favorite
Green Bean Salad:
Clean some beans, steam or boil them till crisp tender. Meanwhile slice an onion and put it in a sieve or colander. Crush a garlic clove and put it in a serving bowl with 1/4 cup Paul Newmans Light Balsamic Vinegar Dressing and some black pepper. When the beans are done, pour them and their cooking liquid into the sieve on top of the onions. Add drained beans and warmed onions to the dressing. Refrigerate till cooled.

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